Evan Sheehan

Spotify @ IXDA ’18

Software for Spotify's IxDA 2018 booth showing a different aspect of your listening habits for each of the three days of the conference.

The booth on day 3.

Along with two other designers at Spotify, I designed and built software for Spotify’s Interaction Design Association (IxDA) 2018 conference booth. Using Spotify’s public API, we presented users with a small fact about their listening habits that corresponded to pins that they could take with them as a memento of the conference. There was a different theme for each day: day one was your favorite genres based on your top artists; day two was how upbeat your favorite music is; day three was how danceable your favorite music is. We worked with a graphic design agency to create the visual style for the booth and prepare a different backdrop and pins to create a coherent experience at the booth.

We built the application using Electron, svelte, and D3.

Day 1: The artists of your top three genres.
Day 2: Your top tracks, distributed from left (lower valence) to right (higher valence) based on how positive the music sounds.
Day 3: The percentage of your favorite tracks that are considered “danceable” based on features such as tempo and beat strength. At the bottom, your top three most danceable tracks are shown.